
Notice of Privacy

I. Importance of processing your personal data.
Creativo Plasma and all of its staff recognize the importance of proper processing of your personal data and, as a result, have implemented various administrative, technical, and security controls and measures. and physical aimed at keeping said information confidential and preventing damage, loss, alteration, destruction, improper use, unauthorized access and/or treatment, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals (hereinafter: LFPDPPP), and other applicable legislation on the matter (hereinafter: the Law).

II. Responsible for the treatment.
The person responsible for collecting your personal data, the use that is given to them and their protection is:

III. How we obtain your personal data.
We can obtain information about you through various sources, such as: when we obtain it directly, when you visit our sites, when you use our services or online social networks and by lastly, when we collect it from other sources that the Law allows.

To ensure the proper administration of our websites and facilitate better navigation within them, “cookies” (brief data files) may be used. text stored in the user’s browser) or “web beacons” (electronic images that allow counting the number of visitors and users who have entered a website) to store, aggregate and report information.

( CP) can use these tools as a useful and effective source of information to track information and identify categories of users such as names, IP addresses, domain, browser type and pages visited. However, it does not collect: account numbers, passwords, bank security codes or the like.

In specific circumstances, access may be denied in certain parts of our sites to those visitors and users whose browsers do not allow the use of “cookies”. You can disable these technologies by following the means indicated by the internet browser you use.

For security reasons, Creativo Plasma has video-surveillance equipment in its facilities, capable of collecting images, photographs, videos , voices and/or sounds, aimed at making any individual who finds or passes through them identifiable.

IV. Personal data that is collected.
Among the information that we may collect from you, you will find:

  • name, place and date of birth, address;
  • nationality and demographic information, such as: marital status and number of family members or economic dependents;
  • personal identification notations, such as: Unique Population Registry Key (CURP), Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC) and/or affiliation number to the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS);
  • contact and/or reference details: link, phone numbers or emails; • academic and/or professional review;
  • patrimonial and/or financial situation, with: list of accounts, banking institutions and credit history, or
  • any other of a similar nature that allows us to operate and fulfill our commercial, administrative and labor obligations.

Creativo Plasma does not request sensitive personal data from its clients that may reveal aspects such as racial or ethnic origin, current and future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, union affiliation, political opinions or sexual preference.

V. Purposes of the treatment.
We use the data collected to provide you with the products and services you request, to keep you informed and to be able to administer our portals, primarily with the following purposes:

  • integrate our list of clients, prospects and/or contacts;
  • prepare and enter into contracts for: lease, events or provision of services;
  • provide the contracted services or products;
  • require parties to comply with contractual obligations;
  • informing about changes or conditions related to an acquired contract, as well as
    about other products and services offered by Creativo Plasma;
  • prepare marketing, segmentation, statistics and quality studies;
  • answer your doubts, complaints and suggestions;
  • inviting you to participate in our contests, sweepstakes or social media activities, and
  • constitute an active part in our informative, commercial or promotional programs.


VI. Data transfer.
Creativo Plasma may transfer your personal data to national or foreign third parties, as well as to our affiliated and/or subsidiary companies, with the obligation to communicate the content of this Privacy Notice to them. and in the understanding that the third party recipient will assume the same obligations that correspond to (CP). Likewise, when they are required by the authorities in compliance with the LFPDPPP, the latter, without the need to have the consent of the owner.

VII. Acceptance of the treatment.
The fact of providing your personal data directly or indirectly, by completing the printed, electronic formats and other means that Creativo Plasma has, implies your full and express acceptance of this Notice of Privacy as well as any modification and/or update of the same.

VIII. Procedure for exercising the rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition (hereinafter: ARCO), Revocation of Consent or Restriction of the transfer of your personal data.

You or your legal representative, if applicable, are able to exercise any of the ARCO rights, as well as to revoke consent for the processing or transfer of your personal data, for which you must request a format of “Request to exercise Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition (ARCO), Revocation of Consent or Restriction of Transfer” (hereinafter: the Request), either directly or by email to the Personal Data Department of CP (hereinafter: the Department).

The formal presentation of your management begins by submitting or sending the duly answered Request, with its correct and complete information, it must be submitted or sent to the electronic address of the Department, which will review it and determine if it has the necessary elements to attend to your management. .

It is a requirement that you indicate in the Application the document with a copy of which will accompany you to prove your identity, such as: Credential of the Federal Electoral Institute, valid passport, Professional Certificate, National Military Service Card, Membership Credential from the IMSS, to the ISSSTE or immigration document that confirms your legal stay as a foreigner in the country.

In the event that, in the opinion of the Department, the information on the Application is incorrect, incomplete, or accrediting documents are missing, it may require you to provide the due elements, within five (5) business days following receipt of the Request. You will have ten (10) business days to meet the request, counted from the day after you received it. The corresponding Request will not be considered submitted if you do not submit a response within the established period.

The Department will inform you of the origin of your petition as well as the disposition to adopt, within a period not exceeding twenty (20) business days counted from the date on which it was received. If the consideration is appropriate, the resolution will be made within fifteen (15) business days from the decision being communicated to you and you will be notified once its implementation is complete.

In the event that the purpose of the Request is to limit the transfer of your personal data to third parties, and that the consideration of your motion is appropriate, CP will register it in the corresponding exclusion list.

IX. Personal Data Department.
Name: Personal Data Department of Creativo Plasma.
Address: Av. Curtidor no. 420, int. I
Fraction. Industrialist Julian de Obregón
León, Gto. C.P. 37290
Email: contacto@es.creativoplasma.com
Hours: Monday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

X. Modifications to the Privacy Notice.
Creativo Plasma reserves the right to make modifications to this Privacy Notice at any time, for the attention of new legislation, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering our services or products. In such case, it will publish within the www.creativoplasma.com website, in the section corresponding to the Privacy Notice, the update of the aforementioned document and will indicate the date of the most recent version.

To the extent that you do not request, in the aforementioned terms, the cancellation and/or opposition of your personal data and continue to access and/or use, partially or totally, our services, it will imply that you have accepted and consented to such changes and/or modifications.

If you consider that your right to protection of personal data has been injured by any
conduct of our employees, our actions or responses, or you presume that in the treatment of your personal data there is any violation of the provisions set forth in the LFPDPPP, you may file the corresponding complaint or complaint with the IFAI, for more information visit: www.ifai.org.mx

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